Kids Ministry
What to Know About Kids Ministry
Sunday Morning
Kids birth - Grade 5 come together for Sunday School during the 10:30am services. Kids of all ages get to participate in age-appropriate Bible lessons and activities!
Nursery is provided for kids age 0-2+ at both Sunday services. Your little ones will love learning and playing using a dedicated worship and Bible lesson time in a clean and safe environment staffed with loving volunteers. The nursery classrooms are located on the 1st floor across from the Sanctuary.
Kids age 3 (by Sept. 1) are invited to the 2nd floor to join our preschool class! Preschoolers love worshipping, creating, and learning with their friends and caring volunteers.
Kindergarten - 5th Grader students walk through the big-picture timeline of the Bible every three years, with relevant life application points and plenty of fun-filled hands-on learning.
Welcome! Come up to the 2nd floor to get your kids checked in at the desk for your first visit here (you can also pre-register here). We’ll be able to answer any questions you may have, and we’d love to introduce you to your child’s teacher!
Wednesday Nights
Awana meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8pm. Kids spend time memorizing God’s word, learning from the Bible, building relationships with other believers and having loads of fun!
In Puggles, kids spend time learning about God and His love for them! They participate in play time, songs, simple crafts and activities.
Preschoolers love Cubbies! Lessons focus on the greatness of God’s love, His Word, and His Son, Jesus Christ. Games help build excitement and reinforce lesson themes. Cubbies memorize Bible verses while they work on completing their books.
Sparks is a fast-paced night filled with games, Bible verses, and lessons that will help students better understand the Bible and how it applies to their lives.
T&T is designed with tweens in mind. Energetic games, quality spiritual conversations, and Bible lessons will help your students build confidence and stand firm in their faith during the highs and lows of life.
No, anyone is welcome to attend! Simply visit the Kids Ministry desk on the 2nd floor to get checked in for the first time or fill out this form and visit one of the self check-in stations.
We will text or call the parent phone number that was used to check in. Parents can come directly to their child’s classroom.
We suggest dressing your children in comfortable clothing – we love to stay active! In the summer months, some activities will be hosted outdoors, weather permitting.
You can also save time at check-in by completing our Family Registration Form. When you arrive, please stop at the Kids Ministry Desk on the 2nd floor to let us know it’s your first visit. Our welcome team is ready to walk you through check-in and the rest of your morning at Eagan Hills.
Safety is a top priority here, which is why we have implemented the following safety measures:
All children will receive a nametag when they check in. Each nametag as a unique pick up code that will be used to make sure they are being picked up by the right adult at the end of service.
For your children’s protection, screenings and US background checks are run on all staff and volunteers.
In order to serve, volunteers receive training in our safety and security guidelines.
We are always excited to have new volunteers join the team! For information, contact Sarah Graber.
Questions? Contact Sarah Graber at Sarah@eaganhills.org
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